
Handling High Expectations (Internal and External)

Opening Quotes: “Expectations tend to rise with accomplishment. The better you’re performing, the more you demand of yourself and the less you notice incremental gains. Appreciating progress depends …

Navigating the Challenges of Giftedness During Adolescence

“Gifted children often have goals and achievements for which there are no means of measurement, so these goals and dreams may never be recognized by others at all… …

Live Like a King (Gratitude Lesson)

If you could be born at any time in history, when would it be? This is a journal prompt I use with many of my writing students. Many …

7 Simple Exercises to Increase Creativity

“Material for our work surrounds us at every turn. It’s woven into conversation, nature, chance encounters, and existing works of art… You might imagine that the outside world …

10 Drawing Exercises For Enhanced Creative Thinking

“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.”- Einstein “Creativity is just connecting things.” – Steve Jobs Drawing can be …

Focusing Curiosity and Creativity

Guiding Question: Sometimes my ideas and random connections move really fast. Before I can fully flesh one out, I’m on to the next one. Other times, I am …

The Creative Process

“If everyone understands your idea, you’re too late.” – Unknown The creative process has been around for as long as humans have, but it’s only been observed scientifically …

What is Your Conflict Style?

“Conflict” Etymology – Borrowed from Latin cōnflīctus, past participle of confligere (“to strike together”), from com- (“together”) (a form of con-) + fligere (“to strike”) Ancient battle references …

Humor and the Gifted Brain

Opening Quotes “The secret to humor is surprise.” – Aristotle “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.” -Dr. Seuss “Humor is just another …

Handling Teasing and Bullying

Opening Quotes “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr. “You will never reach higher ground if …