Simultaneous Discoveries and Invention

Simultaneous Discoveries and Invention

Definitions “Independent execution” and “simultaneous discoveries” refers to the phenomenon where multiple individuals or groups, working separately, come up with the same scientific discovery or invention at roughly the same time, essentially making the breakthrough happen independently and almost simultaneously; classic examples exist in mathematics, astronomy, genetics, geology, physics, engineering, art, and more. Guiding Quote … [Read More]

Strategies to Beat Performance Anxiety

Why is public speaking feared more than death? Why do some people fail a test even when they know the answers? And why do I play my guitar better alone than when I am on stage? To answer these questions (and attempt to remedy these situations), I put together modern research from a variety of … [Read More]

Decision Making and Reasonable Risk Taking

Guiding question (from a parent): How can we learn to make decisions that must be made even when all of the information we would like isn’t available to us, or our success is not guaranteed? This is a non-issue academically, however, I believe it’s important to discuss the topic to avoid codependency, and instead, build … [Read More]

Handling High Expectations (Internal and External)

Opening Quotes: “Expectations tend to rise with accomplishment. The better you’re performing, the more you demand of yourself and the less you notice incremental gains. Appreciating progress depends on remembering how your past self would see your current achievements. If you knew five years ago what you’d accomplish now, how proud would you have been?” … [Read More]