In this lesson, we’ll explore the connection between creativity, self-actualization, and personal growth, especially for intellectually driven individuals who are often constantly striving to reach their fullest potential. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is often represented as a pyramid, but it’s important to note that Maslow himself never actually drew a pyramid. The pyramid itself is …
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Guiding Quotes “A leader has to be able to do anything, but can’t do everything.” – Plutarch “All leadership takes place through the communication of ideas to the minds of others.” – Charles Cooley “To handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt “Boss is a job. Leader is …
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If you could be born at any time in history, when would it be? This is a journal prompt I use with many of my writing students. Many agree that life without the internet or modern technology would be quite challenging. With the lesson below, we’ll take it much further. History has the unique ability …
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“Conflict” Etymology – Borrowed from Latin cōnflīctus, past participle of confligere (“to strike together”), from com- (“together”) (a form of con-) + fligere (“to strike”) Ancient battle references aside, everyday conversational conflict still feels threatening, even in our modern age. Depending on a person’s genetics and environmental conditioning, it is theorized they will respond to …
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