Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework for categorizing different levels of cognitive learning, first introduced in the 1950s by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues. It was designed to help educators structure learning objectives and assess student progress, initially outlining a hierarchy of thinking skills that ranged from basic recall to higher-order thinking. Creativity at …
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Guiding question (from a parent): How can we learn to make decisions that must be made even when all of the information we would like isn’t available to us, or our success is not guaranteed? This is a non-issue academically, however, I believe it’s important to discuss the topic to avoid codependency, and instead, build …
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“Material for our work surrounds us at every turn. It’s woven into conversation, nature, chance encounters, and existing works of art… You might imagine that the outside world is a conveyor belt with a stream of small packages on it, always going by. The first step is to notice the conveyor belt is there. And …
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“Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.”– Einstein “Creativity is just connecting things.” – Steve Jobs Drawing can be a powerful catalyst for enhanced creative thinking, serving as a means to unlock new ideas and perspectives. While I don’t consider myself a skilled artist, I’ve thoroughly …
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Guiding Question: Sometimes my ideas and random connections move really fast. Before I can fully flesh one out, I’m on to the next one. Other times, I am engaged with one idea for months and months on end but no one around me understands why. Is this normal? The deep thoughts and questions of the …
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“If everyone understands your idea, you’re too late.” – Unknown The creative process has been around for as long as humans have, but it’s only been observed scientifically for one hundred years. The Art of Thought by Graham Wallas got it all started in 1926 when he formulated one of the first cohesive models of …
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